HELLO 2013 ! 

maybe its too late, but i dont mind. haha
memandangkan now baru rilek and dapat tarik nafas puas.
act, bru abes exam. fuhhh fuhhh!
rasenye takbole nak score pape sem ni sbb de 1subjek yg maybe hancusss
mane tak nye, soalan xpenah2 kua past year exam xkire la sem bila.
huh! sgt frust.
settle je invigilator collect our answer paper
mimoe pusing kanan,pusing kiri, tgk depan, pusing belakang,
SEMUA berair mata jeeee. oh no!
ingatkan mimoe je rse paper ni hancusss, ghopenyeee 1 dewan.
huhu. tough2!

enough la pasal exam.
kang ade yang xlena tido malam ni.
anyway, jom revise 2012.

2012 :
became 21years old. its not easy and not too difficult, just nice.
a lot of memorable moment
tak challenging sgt mcm past few years.
cuma busy and lagi busy dari diploma life.
degree was soooo soooo tough
cume sem sept'12- jan'13 still level yg senang
next sem , mac'13 - june'13 da start susa sbb byk theory paper.
huaaaaaa ! mengantokla jwpn nye +++ killer paper, far400.

azam 2013 :
doing better than before.
cume umor bertambah 1
so this year i will turn 22years old "girl" ?
"women" may be.....
ahhh! ignore tuh sume.

hope sangatsangat this year will come smoothly.
hope ape yang di'plan, yang dihajati, yang di'azami will become reality
insya Allah.

thank you readers ^,^