On the 12th & 13th December 2012

YS comes to Melaka for the first time.
Selama mimoe study kat melaka since start diploma (2009) sampai abes diploma (mac2012),
and further degree (Sept 2012) kt melaka ni pon,
YS xpenah datang even ONCE.
see ! betapa payah nye nak ajak dy datang sini
dy prefer dating kat Kajang yg nothing special for me sbb da b'belas taun tgk bnde yg sama
*xtaula ape specialnye Kajang bg dy
or Damansara

Before dia dtg sini, mimoe xde pelawa dy pown datang Melaka sbb klaw ajak, mmg xkan dtgnye.
tapi one day, he said to me that he want to come here (with his willingness ok)
So, datang lah dy bsama "adik" kesayangan dy, Todak.

On 12th nov, i have 2class at 10.30am till 12.30pm + mkt test on 12.30 to 2.30
esoknye pulak ade test eco on 12.30 till 2.30pm
punya lah excited nak lalui hari tuh even pack pown smate2 nak jumpe dy !
macam biasalah, everytime nak jumpa YS since 4years ++ ago,
 msti mimoe automatically bdebar-debar and kecut perut

and there is some moment that we can captured ;


thanks love for spent your time here with me
memang happy sgt3 sbb dapat tunjuk kat awk study life saya kat sini
awk anta and amek saya dari class

thank you readers ^,^